![]() |
L | LEX Program File / Link Instructions / LISP Program File / Lotus Screen Driver / Omnis7 Application File |
LAB | Mailing Labels |
LAY | Applause Word Chart Layout |
LBG | dBase IV Label Generator |
LBL | Labels |
LBM | Deluxe Paint Bitmap Graphic |
LBO | dBase IV Ordered Labels |
LBR | library - bibliothèque; fichier compacté |
LBS | Omnis Studio Application File |
LBT | Foxpro Label Memo |
LBX | Foxpro Label |
LCF | Linker Control File |
LCK | MS Frontpage-related File |
LCN | WordPerfect Dictionary File |
LD | Telix Long Distance Codes |
LD1 | dBase Overlay File |
LDB | fichier pour base de données MICROSOFT ACCESS |
LDL | Corel Paradox Delivered Library |
LDS | leds - image .CDR |
LEG | Legacy Graphic Format |
LES | Learn Lesson File / Logitech Entertainment Game Profile |
LET | Letter |
LEV | level - niveau |
LEX | lexique, notamment dictionnaire personnel LOTUS |
LFT | Chiwriter Laser Printer Font / 3D Studio Loft File |
LGC | Program Use Log File (for Windows Program Use Optimization) |
LGO | MS Windows Logo Driver |
LGT | Urban Chaos Game File |
LHA | fichier compacté avec LHARC |
LHS | Literate Haskell Source File |
LHW | Compressed Archive File |
LHZ | LHA Compressed Archive File |
LIB | bibliothèque pour langage de programmation |
LIC | License File (various Shareware) |
LIC | licence d'utilisation |
LIF | Compressed Archive File / HP Logical Interchange Format File |
LIM | archive Limit |
LIN | fichier pour système d'exploitation LINUX |
LIS | Program Listing / Structured Query Reporting (SQR) Output |
LJ | Text File for HP LJ II Printer |
LJF | LaserJet file - fichier pour imprimante à laser |
LLC | LapLink Saved Connection File |
LLX | Laplink Exchange Agent |
LM8 | Picture File |
LMD | Tune Smithy List of Modes for a Musical Scale |
LMP | enregistrement d'une séquence du jeu Doom |
LND | 3D Landscape Data |
LNE | image .BMP renommée |
LNG | langue |
LNK | Linker File / Windows Shortcut File |
LNK | link - lien |
LOD | loader - chargeur de programmes |
LOG | log file - consignation, journal |
LOK | FileWrangler/ZipWrangler/SecurDesk! Encrypted Archive |
LOM | message d'administrateur de réseau indiquant l'absence de licences |
LP | LP88 Linear Programming for the IBM-PC File |
LPB | LP88 Linear Programming for the IBM-PC File |
LPD | Helix Nuts and Bolts File (Helix Software now part of McAfee) |
LRC | Intel Video Phone File |
LRF | Linker Response File |
LRS | WordPerfect Language Resource File |
LSC | Tune Smithy List of Muscial Scales |
LSF | Streaming Audio/Video File |
LSL | Corel Paradox Saved Library |
LSM | film Lotus |
LSN | lesson - leçon |
LSP | LISP Program File |
LST | Listing or List (e.g., packing list) / PowerPoint File / Ingres Dump List File |
LSX | Streaming Audio/Video Shortcut |
LTR | table de lettres |
LU | ThoughtWing Library Unit File |
LV | image LaserView |
LVL | Parallax Miner Descent/D2 Level Extension |
LWF | LuraWave-compressed Graphic File |
LWP | Lotus Wordpro 96/97 File |
LWS | image .BMP renommée |
LWV | MS Linguistically Enhanced Sound File |
LYR | DataCAD Layer File |
LYT | TurboTax Log File |
LZE | fichier compacté |
LZH | fichier archive compacté (décompactage avec lha.exe) |
LZM | fichier compacté AMAC |
LZS | archive LARC |
LZW | Compressed Archive File |
LZX | Compressed File |
- Informatique Pratique - http://www.infoprat.net
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